I have being enjoying work my garden and reflections on my chosen path. I can’t believe it is May already, I have been doing a mixture of work for the last five months.
I have been working with two lovely charities in London and one in Manchester, done some document work with an agency based in Scotland for a European agency and have written terms and conditions, and a number of policies for the BHRS.
For the first part of the year I was working with Transport For All a national charity who lobby to make all public transport accessible to all. I have been helping them with membership, governance projects and data protection (my favourite).
Garden Life
In life I have been enjoying my garden, which is a new thing for me even started enjoying planting new things in pots and sitting in the sun reading cookbooks or drinking G&T’s with friends. It has been lovely and sunny for the last few weeks so making the most of this has been wonderful, plus it has been good to set up a temporary desk so I am able to work in the garden too.

Back in December I stood down from being the Fog Lane Park secretary, which has been hard but fun work for the past 3 years. I have enjoyed mostly working with Manchester City Council and the other members of the committee, but I am now looking forward to new opportunities.
I am finding it strange just how much I love writing documentation (primarily policy) for people. Never expected to be a dyslexic who enjoys writing formal documentation so much. I suspect that I value it because I enjoy making things that are often hard to access more accessible. I also really enjoy exploring how to make policy reflect my clients tone of voice at the same time as enabling them to understand what it means to them.
New Work
Do you know a charity or organisation who might need help understanding data protection, or policy issues recommend me… I am always looking for new projects.